Know Before You Go: Important links to resources you might want to check out

Know Before You Go: Important links to resources you might want to check out

Planning a trip? Or maybe you just put down your deposit? Either way, there are some important travel documents and/or tasks you may want to review to ensure you have everything you need!

Valid Passport. This is pretty obvious. But sometimes, you might think your passport is valid but then not realize it expired. Or, it might be getting close to expiry. Many countries will not allow entry if you do not have a valid 6 months remaining on your passport so check your passport for expiry and apply for a renewal if it’s time! Check processing times and application procedures here for everything you need to know about passport requirements.

Travel advisories. The Government of Canada will list their advisories for each country so you can make an informed decision about your intentions to travel. Depending on where you are planning on visit, you can decide through informed sources of how likely you may be affected by the dangers presented where you are travelling.

Travelling with children abroad. If you are travelling with your children without both parents present, a letter of consent is strongly recommended to minimize concerns with crossing international borders and returning to Canada. This is advised for single parents travelling, blended families and where only one biological parent is travelling without the other biological parent. This is also recommended for student group travel trips where adult chaperones are travelling with a group of students as chaperones.

Register Abroad. If you are leaving Canada, it is recommended to register if you are planning a vacation so that the Government of Canada can notify you of any emergencies at home or abroad.

Do you need a visa? Check here first to find out entry requirements for your destination.

Do you need an ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) to return or transit through Canada? Do you need one for the country you are visting? Check directly with that government’s requirements.

Vaccinations and shots. It depends on which country you are planning on visiting. Visit a local travel clinic to inquire about the up-to-date requirements for the destination you are visiting and they will be able to advise what you need.

Planning a trip is exciting and the anticipation of your long-awaited trip makes it easy to forget about some of these details. Make sure you look include all aspects of travel planning to avoid disappointment or delay. In the end, it is completely worth it!

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